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WITonCampus focuses on supporting female students pursuing technology related degrees. By partnering with Wisconsin higher educational institutions, we provide opportunities to explore STEAM fields, network with female professionals, and establish connections with companies across the state.  

  • Professional Connections Program: Since expanding statewide in 2022, this program has matched over 141 female students, from fifteen different colleges, with female technology professionals. By receiving mentorship and guidance, these students are able to walk away with new knowledge and skills to help them along their career and educational journeys. These connections have led to numerous success stories, including internship and full time employment opportunities for our students.
  • Campus Outreach: Let WIT come to you! Through our partnerships with Wisconsin higher education institutions, we love to make campus visits and help put on programming (either in-person or virtual). Opportunities are limitless, but in the past have included WIT participating in career fairs, panel discussions, skill development sessions (resume building, mock-interviews, etc.) and much more! Need professional(s) to speak at your event? Want to have professionals in the field come speak to your students? Let’s chat and see what we can make happen!

  • LinkedIn Group: This group was created as a place for building connections between our female students and WIT Wisconsin community. Here students will find opportunities for mentorship, volunteering, professional development, and even internships with our sponsor companies. Join the group here, and be a part of the conversation!

2023-2024 | Professional Connections Program: 

Student Information
The application period for this PCP session has ended. However, we want to stay in touch and connect with you at our events! You’re invited to join our Student LinkedIn group, apply for a complimentary WIT student membership, and join us at our events.

Mentor Invitation | Mentor Application: 

Mentor Invitation

Mentor Application

Due to an excellent response from students the application period for Mentors has been extended to Thursday, October 5th.

Mentors we need you! If you have any questions about the role, or time commitments, please reach out to a regional chair listed below.

Timeline: for those participating in the 2023-2024 program

Kick-off meeting [virtual]: 

Friday, 10/20/2023

Program Start: 
Friday, 10/27/2023

Program Close: 

Friday, 4/19/2024

Not sure what mentoring is all about? This guide, 9 Tips for a Successful WIT Mentoring Relationshipoutlines the simple principles of our program.

If you have any questions about WITonCampus Clubs or the Professional Connections Program, your regional chair(s) are here to help:

Northeast Wisconsin - Rose Kilsdonk & Lori Jones

Northwest Wisconsin - Denise Rogge & Jessica Clarkson

Southcentral Wisconsin - Tammy Klatt

Southeast Wisconsin - Diana Rivera & Lori Videkovich


© Copyright 2024. All rights reserved.

Women In Technology Wisconsin Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 

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